



I'm just gonna write what I did for my job hunting in English as well. since I know a lot of my international friends this year had difficulty with their job hunting. Hopefully, this will help my Kohais a bit.







The 3 things I thought the most important in job Hunting 

1) decide which "you" to be presented in whole shukatsu life

2) prepare what you write in your Entry Sheet before the entry season(which was from February till April for me)

3) Study for SPI!!!!!!!!!






1) decide which "you" to be presented in whole shukatsu life

So before writing the ES or going to the interview, you better to create your own life story. Which is......

"what you have done in your life"

↓ these activities made you to think

 "what do you wanna do in the future" 

↓to achieve that goal, 

"what do you want to do in the company"




if you can prepare this, you can find the company you want to go so easily. And also you can convince the interviewer better.



I guess 80% of the students even don't know what they want to do in the future but still you better come up w/ something..... ( I didn't have anything I wanna do or I wanna be last August. When I asked my teacher what to do with my career, he made a lecture about me!!! That was so embarrassing😂)



やりたい事全くない系女だった北島は、とりあえず自分は◯◯がしたいんだーーー!!!って無理矢理言い聞かせた。結局今はそれが自分のやりたい事になってるので、どうしようもなければこれやりたいかも!ていう空想を信じて突き通すべし!意外と本心だったりするよ ※完全に個人の意見です笑

So, since I didn't have anything I wanna do, I made my self to think "Hey me! you are willing to do ◯◯ right?  you are going to work to aim that goal!!! " the ◯◯ was just a random idea when I made up, but now i guess it's the thing I really wanna do. Believe or not, if you really don't know what to do, it might be the best? way to make up your own life goal... hahahaha


この作業を通して一般的にいう を作ってしまえばこっちのもんやで。

by deciding what you want to do in the future, now you have your own principal and ready to job hunt!!







to be continued.....